Tropical Homes of Costa Rica

Vacation Home Rentals Costa Rica

Costa Rica has many wonderful resorts and hotels for visitors to stay in while enjoying their time on vacation, but a more intimate way to experience Costa Rica is by renting a vacation home. Renting a vacation home in Costa Rica allows you to enjoy more privacy during your stay and can also make your vacation more relaxing and enjoyable. Rather than being surrounded by other guests, having to adhere to the hotels schedule for cleaning the rooms and restaurant hours, when you stay in vacation home rentals Costa Rica, you get the final word on how to spend each day of your vacation.

Rental homes are a great alternative to staying in resorts or hotels and can often times be cheaper. There are many vacation home rentals Costa Rica to choose from and they all have different extra perks to offer. Some vacation rental homes have pools or hot tubs, some are located in larger housing communities with other amenities like tennis courts or exercise and recreation areas. Renting a vacation home during your stay in Costa Rica is a great idea if you have a family or are planning on traveling with a group of friends. What better way to unwind than by sitting in a hammock on your own porch, overlooking the ocean? Resorts and hotels are nice, but only having a room in which to spend your down time in is not as enjoyable as having a whole house.

Most vacation home rentals Costa Rica offer nightly, weekly, and monthly rates, offering a price break for longer term rentals. If you are planning on staying in Costa Rica for a few weeks, or even a few months, renting a vacation home is a great way to set up a home base from which to explore the region you are staying in. If you decide to rent a vacation home in Costa Rica and you are planning on staying for a longer period of time, you may also want to rent a vehicle so you can independently explore the natural wonders and beauty of Costa Rica. Or you may consider using a bike to get around the community where you rental home is located. Many of the smaller communities along the Pacific Coast are set up in a way that makes them easy to get around by bike or on foot. Your rental home may even have bikes available. Vacation home rentals Costa Rica often have extras included in the price, like bikes, boogie boards, or surfboards. Another added benefit to renting a home in Costa Rica is the option of having your own kitchen. If you enjoy cooking, having your own kitchen is a great way to get to know the different fruits and vegetables available in this tropical climate with an eternal spring. Even if cooking isn’t your favorite thing, you may enjoy the tranquility of waking up in the morning and making a cup of Costa Rican coffee to enjoy in the quiet of your own home, rather than making a pilgrimage down to the dining room.

There are many reasons to rent a vacation home in Costa Rica, so before you book that hotel room, take a look at the options for condos or homes available online and see if a rental home is right for you. You may never stay in a hotel or resort again. Please contact us if we can be of help in your search for the perfect vacation rental.