Tropical Homes of Costa Rica

VRBO Costa Rica

More and more people are taking advantage of VRBO Costa Rica (Vacation Rentals By Owners) properties when they vacation rather than staying in hotels. If the phrase VRBO is new to you, or you’ve heard about VRBO properties in Costa Rica or elsewhere but have yet to give it a try, this post will help you figure out if renting a vacation house is right for you.

When you’re on vacation, you want to relax, and that means doing what you want, when you want. When you stay in a hotel, you have to adhere to certain schedules, like when the dining room is serving breakfast or dinner, or allowing the maid time to come in and clean your room. When you stay in a VRBO Costa Rica property, you don’t have to worry about anyone’s schedule but your own. VRBO’s provide more privacy for you and your family while on vacation. There are no noisy neighbors to keep you up at night or wake you up in the morning. By renting a house through an owner, you are able to ensure you, and your family, have your own space to enjoy. VRBO properties also tend to be more spacious. In a hotel, you end up with just one room, sometimes two, plus a bathroom. When you rent a house, you have bedrooms, living rooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and often times balconies or porches. This allows you to spread out, unpack and settle in, creating a more relaxing environment. The average cost of staying a night in a VRBO Costa Rica property is less than that of a hotel or resort, so you get even more for less money, which is always nice.

In addition to saving some money and having more room and privacy, VRBO properties in Costa Rica are more accommodating to those traveling with children or pets. Whereas hotels can often have strict pet policies, houses rented through the owners themselves are more likely to allow you stay with your pet, which can make your vacation that much more enjoyable. If you are traveling to Costa Rica with young children, having a house can make your trip easier, as you will be able to work around your children’s needs. You can even find rental properties in Costa Rica designed for families vacationing with young children that have play pens and toys, so you don’t need to pack as much, making your travel experience less stressful.

Going through one of the many VRBO Costa Rica sites can be intimidating with so many rental options to choose from. It can be easier to find a vacation rental through an owner by using smaller, more localized rental sites. In Costa Rica, you’ll find a variety of rental sites, like Tropical Homes of Costa Rica, that can help you find the perfect home for your vacation based your individual needs and wants. When you book your rental home through one of these agencies you get the added comfort provided by local knowledge of the surrounding area and helpful staff who speak the local language. By booking your vacation rental through a smaller company offering VRBO Costa Rica properties, you’ll have the option of asking questions and getting referrals to plan the rest of your stay as well.

If you’re tired of staying in resorts or hotels and are ready to travel and experience Costa Rica in a different, more intimate way, finding a VRBO should be your next move. Once you’ve enjoyed the privacy, the tranquility and spacious luxury provided by staying in a VRBO Costa Rica property, you’ll never think of staying in a hotel or resort again. Please contact us if you would like more information on the vacation rentals we have available on the Northern Pacific beaches.