Tropical Homes of Costa Rica

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Living in Costa Rica can be extremely beneficial for your physical and mental health. With its vibrant culture, diverse landscape, and sunny climate, Costa Rica has much to offer in terms of health benefits. Costa Rica has an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available year-round, making it easy to maintain a healthy diet. Additionally, Costa Rica has many outdoor activities to choose from, such as surfing, hiking, and biking, allowing you to stay active. The country also offers a relaxed atmosphere and plenty of opportunities to unwind and reduce stress. With its combination of healthy diet, physical activity, and stress-reducing environment, Costa Rica is an ideal place to live for those looking to improve their health.

living in costa rica

Access to Fresh, Nutritious Food 

One of the major health benefits of living in Costa Rica is the access to fresh and nutritious food. Costa Rica’s tropical climate allows for a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to be grown year-round. From bananas to papayas to avocados, there is an abundance of nutrient-rich produce available. For a few months of the year, there are mangos literally covering the streets! Mango trees grow wild here and are very popular around the Pacific Coast. Imagine taking a stroll down to the corner mango tree for your morning smoothie ingredients. 

What makes the produce in this country so special is the soil. The soil here is rich with minerals and nutrients from the many volcanoes that make up the central region of the country. The volcanic ash that has accumulated in the soil over the years has created a nutrient-rich environment, making it easy for farmers to grow an abundance of healthy fruits, vegetables, and other crops. This rich soil also allows for nutrient dense, organic farming, which is beneficial to both the environment and people’s health. 

moving to costa rica from usaAdditionally, fish and seafood are also readily available throughout the country. If you live near the coast, you can easily find local fishermen selling fish and seafood caught that same day. If you want to get adventurous, you can also find many fishing guides to take you deepsea or spear fishing. Whether you are looking for something to prepare at home or are eating out, you can be sure to find healthy options that are not only delicious but also provide essential nutrients. Overall, the access to fresh and nutritious food makes it easy to maintain a healthy diet when you’re living in Costa Rica.

 Healthy Climate

The healthy climate here is another major benefit of living in Costa Rica. The warm weather and sunshine allow for plenty of outdoor activities, such as surfing, hiking, and biking. You will feel motivated to get outdoors and be active because of all the beautiful weather here. If you’re moving to Costa Rica from the USA, you can finally trade in those boots and heavy jackets for flip-flops and a tank top!

Another benefit to the healthy climate here is the pollution levels are relatively low, making it easier to breathe and reducing the risk of respiratory illnesses.  Costa Rica is ranked in the top 20 of countries in the world for air quality, according to The World Air Quality Report, which ranks 98 countries and territories.

moving to costa rica from usaThe sunshine also provides essential Vitamin D which is beneficial to mental health and wellbeing. If you have ever heard of, or experienced seasonal affective disorder, you know how important Vitamin D from sunlight can be. With its healthy climate and abundance of sunshine, Costa Rica is an ideal place for those looking to stay physically active.

Abundant Outdoor Activities 

The abundance of physical activities in Costa Rica is another major benefit to living here. Whether you’re looking for an intense workout or a relaxing activity, there is something for everyone. Hiking and biking are popular activities that allow you to explore the majestic landscapes of the country while getting an effective workout.  There are trails all over the country with so much to offer. You can bike to scenic viewpoints, hike to well-known waterfalls, or discover some of your own. There are many waterfalls in this country still undiscovered by man or woman!

There are also so many yoga and meditation classes available if you’re looking for a more relaxed form of exercise. The spiritual connection to the earth and plant based alternative medicine that permeate the culture here have cultivated a large yoga community in Costa Rica. You are sure to find the perfect trainer or class for you ability and budget.

For those who prefer to be in the water, surfing is a great option with several world-class surf spots located throughout the country. Surfing is a huge part of the culture on the coasts here. With stunning beaches and consistent waves year round, it’s not hard to see why. Not only will these activities help you stay physically fit but they can also help reduce stress levels and improve mental wellbeing. With endless opportunities available, Costa Rica has what you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

World-Class Medical Care 

Another huge health benefit of living in Costa Rica is the access to world class medical care. The country has a long history of providing quality healthcare services to its citizens and expats alike. The medical staff here is highly knowledgeable and many speak English, making it easier for those who don’t speak Spanish. If you’re moving to Costa Rica from the USA, you will enjoy friendly, personable healthcare services, for a fraction of the prices in North America.

moving to costa rica from usaIn addition to doctors and nurses, there are also specialists such as dentists, optometrists, physical therapists, and more available in Costa Rica. Furthermore, the cost of medical care here is significantly lower than what you would pay in the USA or other countries around the world. This makes it easy to get quality care without breaking your budget. Overall, with its top-notch medical care system and affordable prices, Costa Rica is an ideal place for those looking for quality healthcare services at an affordable price point.

Stress-Free Lifestyle 

The stress free lifestyle in Costa Rica is one of its main attractions. With its warm climate and abundant nature, it is a great place to relax and unwind. Costa Rican people are known for being laid back with strong ties to the natural environment. From its gorgeous beaches to its lush rainforests, Costa Rica is an ideal spot to escape the crazy pace of everyday life. Costa Rican culture and lifestyle revolves around a phrase: Pura Vida. Pura Vida can be translated to mean “pure life,” but it’s much more than that. It’s a greeting, an outlook, and a way of being. And it’s infectious! It’s in the way people greet each other, in the slow pace of life, and in the overall feeling of happiness and contentment. This laid-back lifestyle is one of the things that makes Costa Rica such a great place to live.

living in costa ricaCosta Rica offers a wide range of health benefits that are hard to find anywhere else. From its lush rainforests to its warm climate, Costa Rica is an incredibly healthy place to live. The stress-free lifestyle, balanced diet, and access to fresh foods all contribute to better physical and mental health. Costa Rica also has some of the best medical facilities in the world, making it a great choice for those looking to improve their overall health. For those looking to improve their physical and mental health, Costa Rica is an excellent option!